Ffxiv dragoon bis (best in slot) dps gear guide. Extends storm's eye duration by 15s to a maximum of 60s. Pin on FREE Slots at Reasons why dancer is one of the best battle jobs currently: Ffxiv best in slot machinist . To be a dancer, a player must have bought the shadowbringers expansion and reach level 60 in at least one of the battle jobs. Ffxiv 3.2 machinist (mch) best in slot (bis) gear. It is a new job introduced in the third expansion of ffxiv, shadowbringers. Then, the player can take the blue quest ‘shall we dance’ in limsa lominsa. Mch best in slot guide! I'm not by any means good at figuring out bis lists, but here is what i've been able to put together prioritizing crit. “brb buying bullets in town”. Guarantees that all attacks are critical and direct hits. Greeting, blue mages new and old: What have you machinists got in mind for an optimal set that hits the a4s frontal acc cap? Skill speed is the least valuable stat because mor...